
Designed specifically to increase speed of service in the highest volume cafes while easier for the barista thanks to an improved workflow. La Marzocco has redesigned the portafilter system to improve workflow efficiency and to reduce the wrist strain of the user. Efficiency can also be increased thanks to Steam Flush: after each extraction, a burst of steam from the grouphead is followed by a flush of hot water, keeping the machine clean even in the busiest rush hours. This innovative function minimizes off flavored buildup, and increases the time between having to clean the group. The KB90 allows for a new level of expression in machine design, the panels have been engineered so that virtually infinite customization combinations can be created.

18.300 Euro + TVA



dual boiler system

separate boilers optimize espresso brewing and steam production.

idependent saturated boilers

separate saturated boilers for each group head allow barista to optimize temperature for individual coffees, ensuring thermal stability.

dual PID (coffee and steam)

allows you to electronically control coffee and steam boiler temperature.

hot water economizer

enables you to fine-tune the tap water temperature for tea.

insulated boilers

reduce energy consumption while contributing to temperature stability.

straight in portafilter

simplifies the motions to engage the portafilter and reduces the strain by 12 times.

steam flush

keeps the group clean with an automatic burst of steam and a flush of hot water between extractions.

pro touch steam wands

high performing steam wands that are cool to the touch.

piero group caps

re-engineered internal water path and flow-meter positioning that increase temperature stability.


making it possible to update the firmware.

digital display

intuitive programming makes it easy to adjust machine parameters.

barista lights

led lighting allows you to focus on your extraction and the cup.

cup warmer special order

maintain espresso and cappuccino cups heated at a proper temperature.

personalized colors special order

customizable colors based on the RAL color system, on request.

eco mode

allows you to use the machine with tall, to-go cups.

high legs special order

makes it easier to access beneath the machine.

integrated scales – ABR only

precision scales built in the drip tray with the Drip Prediction technology provide a new level of consistency.

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